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PDNJ Candidate Training Program & Endorsement Application
The PDNJ Candidate Training Program and Endorsement is designed to provide local candidates running for office with the resources and support they'll need to win their race. Over the course of several interactive workshops, candidates who participate in the training program will receive guidance with all aspects of running a local race, including field organizing, communications, and fundraising.

Additional details, including the program start and end dates can be found at: 

Application Deadline: Monday, October 30, 2023 at 11:59pm

If you have any questions, please email

About PDNJ
The Progressive Democrats of New Jersey (PDNJ) is a New Jersey non-profit social welfare organization centered around electoral education, training, and organizing. We are Democrats united around a progressive, leftist agenda that puts working people first and advocates for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice. We are a diverse, energetic, dedicated coalition that fights for fairness in politics and true justice for all. For more info, check out: 
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